Higher price shows silicone facial brush factory's greater grade compared to other goods in some way. Except for using high-end raw materials, we also have introduced highly innovative technological machines to be involved in the production of the product. We've been working with trusted materials supplier to provide raw materials, making our product be of large cost-performance ratio.
Nice Rapid Tooling Manufacturing Co., Ltd. stands out from the fierce competition in the silicone bath body brush market. We are generally regarded as more marketable than other peer companies.
silicone products series manufactured by Nice Rapid include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. The materials of Nice Rapid silicone rubber case are decided after careful consideration. The compatibility with chemicals and its combination with other ingredients are also considered to avoid adhesiveness between same-material faces. Nice Rapid is getting increasing brand awareness.
Our company runs under the core value of employee-orientation. The basic prerequisite for the healthy growth of our company is the employee's motivation and creativity. We will create a pleasant and attractive working environment and platform for them to give full play.