Please contact us immediately once you have found the imperfections of silicone mold . If you have received our second-best product,we will arrange professional staff to verify it. Return of goods or exchanging goods service is provided for you. Before shipment, we will conduct strict test on each product to ensure the quality of product. We pay close attention to the sales service, which can solve problems including handling imperfections of the goods.
Nice Rapid Tooling Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has grown to become one of the most successful development and production companies in the field of
silicone bottle. Nice Rapid is mainly engaged in the business of silicone case and other product series. Every Nice Rapid silicone folding water bottle is guaranteed by a series of processes including the selection of the purest raw materials, accurate and rigorous prototyping and the strictest internal sanitary ware quality controls. The product features great sound insulation. It absorbs sound by reducing the velocity of particles that carry the sound waves in the air.
Flexibility, creativity, and continuous improvement are all the values our company treasured most. We are seeking ways to drive business improvement through improved flexibility in production procedures and product innovation.